YouTube Playlist Metadata Keeper

A video that you liked or added to a playlist can become unavailable at any moment. And when this happens, you might permanently lose information about the video.


Keeping track of all the playlists and manually checking every video is a waste of time. This script is the solution to all these problems

Get started

Launch manually
Set up a trigger

Initial configuration

Check playlists

When a video becomes unavailable
* - will not restore videos in read-only playlists and liked videos

Country code to check for region restrictions

Run script
Save and run
You have a trigger(s) that runs the script automatically.

Run once manually
Remove all triggers
You don't have a trigger that runs the script automatically.

Add a trigger
Run once manually
The script is currently running. Please wait.


How it works?

This is a script, based on Google Apps Script platform. When you run it, the script checks all your YouTube playlists, and exports the data about the videos in them to your Google Spreadsheet. Later you can edit the configuration right in the spreadsheet, include / exclude other playlists and set up notifications. In the next runs the script will compare the videos from your playlists to previously exported data.
Besides this, the script can:
- Find removed, privacy and region restricted videos
- Fill rows with missing videos with certain colors.
- Attempt to restore missing videos from search results, based on original video title and duration (optional)
- Notify about changes via Telegram and Firebase Push Notifications (optional)
- Log every performed action to the spreadsheet


Q: How much does it cost?
A: You can run it for free, as long as you fit in Google's free quotas. Unless you have playlists with tens of thousands of videos, you will not reach the quota limits. Otherwise you might get quota limit errors.

Q: Is it open source?
A: Yes, it is!

Q: Do I have to set up anything on my computer?
A: No. Just Log in with your Google Account, select initial configuration and run the script! It runs in the cloud on Google's servers.

Q: Does this script remove missing videos from the playlists after finding a replacement?
A: Only when you change the configuration to do it. The information about original video in the spreadsheet will never be removed.